Monday, 3 August 2015

1st Day of School!

Hello, there!

I would just like to share that I successfully made it through the first day of school! I have 20 kiddos this year, and I can just tell that we are all going to have SO much fun!

I did not get a ton of photos because I was running around like a nut job all day, but I did take a few pictures of the name art project that we did.

We started off by going over rules, and procedures, and making sure everyone knew how they were getting home. Then we read The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi about a little girl from Korea on her first day of school. We followed that up with saying what makes us special, and then we put our names on large construction paper, and glued tissue paper squares to it, and I wrote what made them special on the bottom.

It was cute to hear what they felt made them special. I just wrote exactly what they told me! The next two pictures are of all the names hanging. My room is still only, like, 90% done, so when I get it all in place I will post a room tour. I WANTED to Periscope my room, but my school is way out in the desert and the wifi is not nearly strong enough.

In the afternoon we explored with our math manipulatives, and we played with our play-doh, and we watched Magic School Bus: Busasaurus! I also took all of their pictures in this adorable frame that I made! I was inspired by the one that I saw on @applesandabcs Instagram!

We're going to use the pictures to make a cute beginning of the year "All About Me" poster! Can't wait to share that! Overall, great first day, and I am ready for this year!

Saturday, 1 August 2015


You guys!

I am SO EXCITED!!!! This is my very FIRST Currently. Ever. I have always always always wanted to do a Currently, but never had a blog, so when I started this one I was just SO STOKED for August 1st to roll around! And now it's here!

So, here we go:

I am listening to Captain America: Winter Soldier in the background. It is playing on Starz. I was actually trying to catch up on  my taped episodes of Ink Master, but I got caught up in the AMAZING back to school bash that starts over at Step Into 2nd and is almost over, but they also just posted the GRAND PRIZE hop, and so I did that too... ANYWAY, my episode of Ink Master ended and I didn't even notice, but then suddenly Captain America was on, and since he's so dang cute I just left it!

I am LOVING my team! We get along so well, we have amazing things planned for the year, we are all such passionate educators, and I am so ready to start back Monday morning with those fabulous ladies!

I am thinking about all of my "to do's" for the first day of school and trying to prioritize them! I think the most important thing right now is to get my brochure written to explain homework, and behavior management, and birthdays, and all that jazz. But then there a THOUSAND other things to still do!

I am seriously wanting a few more hours in the day. Especially tomorrow. Sunday always goes much too quickly! It just means I am not gonna get nearly enough sleep.

Ya'll, I am moving in ONE WEEK and the only part of my apartment that is even remotely packed is the kitchen. That's it! I have tomorrow, and then the first week of school, and then the husband and I are outta the apartment and into a house, and NOTHING is done! I. Am. STRESSED. Thank goodness his mom has been helping or we would be up a creek without a paddle!

B2S RAK- I have the BEST principal ever! She is so amazing! And she is going through a really hard time this year. I had a really rough time last school year, and she, and my team, and my entire campus were there for me. I just really want to give back to her and support her this school year. Don't know what I'm gonna do yet... But she truly deserves it!

And that's it! My first Currently! Now I just gotta go follow the Rule of 3!